Isn't it delightful to be a member of what government has decreed to be a "targeted" group - targeted by them? There is indeed nothing new under the sun!

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It's odd to me what so many people are so trusting of governments. I mean seriously, when has that ever come out well for anyone?

Handing over control and freedoms requires that you put your faith entirely in man. I would have assumed that any religious leaders would see right through the narrative. Where's the protect the flock mentality?

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Ouch. This hurts ta watch... though I'm mighty grateful for your finding this, for SHOWING us... It's just like in Vera Sharav's new series when tour guides are banned from their jobs at the concentration camps because they didn't take the jabs--Oh the irony an' perfidy of this--it turns my stomach... HOW COULD THEY?! Talk about your eatin' yer young like gerbils... As my late great bubbie would have said, seein' these shysters who took money to push the jabs an' harm their own, a SHONDA! a "shame to the race" (ours--oy).... This proves true all the stereotypes we want to avoid... (he'd sell his own mother...)... At least Crazy Eddie sold cheap stereos that WORKED! We may eat shrimp (okay we DO) but this goes deeper....sin ain't the word for it... Thank you again for finding the truth...ugly though it is indeedy.

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Have any of them:

1. Realized that they were duped and manipulated (I won't address the issue if there were payments exchanged) and;

2. Expressed regret or apologized for recommending a dangerous bioweapon?

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