Anyone who has studied professional writing or advertising will readily tell you that the more subtle a message the more far reaching it is. On the surface, this is counterintuitive. We are blessed though, that Hashem graced us with the ability to filter out messaging coming our way and to lay it on the periphery. Our consciousness is aware of the messaging and is able to compartmentalize it. This does not remain true, however, when the messaging becomes more subliminal. At that point the message is liable to become seared into our subconsciousness and it goes so far to adopt the view that has been imparted to us as our very own. Decades ago, advertisements were designed to be subliminal simply by using the regular advertising mediums but making it impervious to recognition. An example of this would be flashing an advertisement of a brand of food or drink during a movie for enough time for the eye to see, but not enough time for the brain to recognize what it had seen.
These advertisements still have the drawback that the product advertised was still a want that came from without and was still not internalized to be fused as one with the subject’s own desire.
As time evolved, these methods were perfected, and the result is much of what we see today. What we currently witness is a generation propagandized but nonetheless feel a personal passion about the causes that they advocate for. The masses were essentially captured as a trojan horse for industry.
This is not truer for anything more than the pharmaceutical complex and particularly the vaccine industry. Most have fervent opinions about the topic but little facts to show for it. Many documents designed by government and industry discuss to “create and change social norms”[1] to gain the public acceptance of vaccines.
Give Them a Voice, Not a Choice
One of the scarier examples of how this is being implemented follows the paradigm that many totalitarian regimes have successfully carried out. That is to create an illusion of choice. This concept is thousands of years old and has precedence in an ancient Chinese book, “The Art of War”. It therein states that when an enemy is surrounded by all sides with no alternative, it fights until death. But when there is an avenue open to escape, flight always remains a possilbity and the enemy is less likely to fight with the same vigor.[2]
Following this line of thought, the CDC writes in the COVID-19 Vaccination Program Playbook[3] that, “Even perfectly developed messages and materials will provide no benefit if they are not received by the intended audience… Feedback mechanisms such as a web page or e-mail account to allow the audience to express concerns, ask questions, and request assistance are extremely important, and creating such mechanisms should be a priority for jurisdictions (emphasis added).” In a Bill and Melinda Gates- sponsored publication of COVID-19 vaccine communications, the following recommendation is found: “Another way to approach choice is through behavioral economics. Offer a default option that’s determined by experts, with an optout possibility. This retains people’s sense of freedom, but default architecture will guide them into the experts’ recommendations.”[4]
In other words, the choice of no choice. The population is made to feel like their concerns are heeded and a listening ear is bent, but in reality, it’s all a public relations stunt. The idea of feigning to give a listening ear is practiced widely by most successful businessmen, politicians, and world leaders. They appeal to the common man and a person is made to feel that his or her outlook was represented.
Research and experience have shown that the most successful business executives aren’t necessarily those with the best business acumen. Often, it’s the one who gives a listening ear to the common man. Likewise, with doctors, malpractice data shows us that the most likable practitioners aren’t always those possessing the best skill sets but rather those with the best bedside manners. These and other subversive skills are being utilized and taken advantage of to successfully manipulate the masses regarding a variety of topics with the subjects being none the wiser.
Vaccination Education
Presently public opinion is rapidly moving away from receiving this vaccine[5] and for good reason. The safety trials have been rushed with many signals ignored[6]. Scientists have been working for 30 years unsuccessfully on Coronavirus vaccines due to a unique phenomenon called immune enhancement. This reaction caused animals to become much sicker when challenged with the disease and often resulted in the death of the animal[7]. With animal trials skipped, this vaccine caused an array of adverse events, with some trials even causing reactions in 100% of recipients[8]. These included multiple cases of transverse myelitis and deaths. Due to the facts that mRNA technology has never been used before in a vaccine and the short duration of the trials, there remains a distinct possilbity of permanently altering one’s DNA[9]. It’s known that the virus itself causes infertility[10] and it’s not known but opined if the vaccine causes the similar effects[11]. As a matter of fact, in the Pfizer trial, male volunteers were instructed not to father children[12] and women were instructed not to get pregnant for three months after second dose.[13] Beleaguered by these problems, it’s no wonder that many participants in AstraZenaca’s clinical trial only received half a dose[14]!
Besides for safety issues, proof of vaccine efficacy leaves much to be desired. Pfizer rushed for FDA approval with efficacy study data based on only 0.2% of trial participants[15] with other vaccine makers using similar proportions! The kicker is however that the vaccine trials were never designed to assess a reduction of transmission nor reduction in severe COVID-19 cases[16]! As a matter of fact, Dr. Fauci has stated publicly that the vaccine won’t reduce transmission, and by extension it won’t change any of the draconian edicts now gripping the entire country. Despite the pledge of transparency[17] issued by a joint statement of all the pharmaceutical companies producing the vaccine, as of yet, no data from any of the clinical trials has been released.
Social Conditioning
With a climate like this, it’s no wonder that confidence in the vaccines is slipping badly. Not to worry, though. Another tool in the toolbox involves nudging the public opinion by harnessing the power of trust. One example given is as follows:
“I imagine that you might be able to get corporations or governments or Non-Governmental Organizations to get on board with vaccines. Say to them, ‘This is how your government reopens, or this is how your company reopens, once everybody’s vaccinated.’ If you could get them on board to give employees an afternoon off, or a day off, to go get vaccinated, that deals with accessibility issues for some people who just don’t have childcare or can’t go as easily. But also signals an endorsement from the agency you work with, the company, the institution, the government… And so that’s kind of on the feasibility side of things, but it’s also messaging because if your manager, or manager’s manager, or CEO, or company leader is saying they did it and they want you to go do it, then that would be a pretty strong vote of confidence and economic support for people to do it.”
– Jay Van Bavel, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology & Neural Science at New York University[18]
In short, it involves manipulating the masses by exploiting their inherent trust in community leaders. Such manipulation is hard to recognize as it gently nudges people to adopt the initiative on their own violation. When tinkering with human emotion is coupled with other persuasive tactics, trying to extradite oneself from it is akin to attempting to pull oneself up by his bootstraps. Many will vigorously defend their choice, without realizing that their decision may have been subtly influenced.
On October 16, 2020, the state of New Jersey released a 181-page COVID-19 Vaccination Plan[19]. It reveals that health equity is only achieved when every person has the opportunity to “attain his or her full health potential” and no one is “disadvantaged from achieving this potential because of social position or other socially determined circumstances.” The document goes on to say that they will increase “COVID-19 vaccine accessibility” by the “removal of barriers including, cultural beliefs, perceptions and attitudes”. In simple English, this means that your non-consent to a medical intervention that the government wants you to have, for whatever reason, is deemed a barrier and must be removed. The document recognizes that “New Jersey has what may be the strongest, most vocal anti-vaccine communities throughout the state”, and therefore countering their messaging is a priority.
In truth, those termed “anti-vaxxers” do little else other than advocate for their vaccine-damaged children by promoting the facts and science. Apparently, with the government being devoid of the science in favor of force-vaccinating, they retreat to other “evidence-based” tactics for increasing compliance. One way this is done is by “establishing vaccine implementation committees comprised of community members with access to critical populations”. This was implemented immediately with Governor Murphy’s drafting of his Restart and Recovery Commission. The idea was to “promote leveraging of existing relationships of critical populations” including “strong trusted faith leaders and grantees”. As outlined above, the ideas are very simple. If the push to vaccinate would come from without the community, the visceral reaction of the community would be to reject. Instead, community leaders would be exploited to act as spokespersons to influence and cajole communities from within where rejection is weak. The document even claims that such subversion is so powerful that it can even “bridge” communities that have experienced “historical vaccination trauma”.[20] Nowhere does the document celebrate science behind the vaccine. All it does is talk abstractly about trust and the like.
Testing Revisited
It wouldn’t be long, however, until the waters would be tested. At the behest of the Health Department,[21] many schoolchildren received a consent form to sign that overtly would be able to be used for vaccination of children in school. The claim that it was a “standard form” has little to stand on, as the company that was contracted does little else besides COVID-19 testing.[22]
As a matter of fact, the company is primarily a biorepository, and one of the largest ones in the world at that. This company banks huge amounts of DNA and sells them to clients who run studies with these specimens. Even in the lengthy consent, parents weren’t informed that their children’s DNA were to be harvested and sold. After the consent fiasco, some schools told the parents that they don’t need to send in any consent, and just sending an insurance card would be good enough. Apparently, this was testing the dangerous waters of “implied consent”. In 2014 the World Health Organization (WHO) released a document suggesting that just sending off a child to school on vaccination day would be tantamount to consent[23]. When this new generated concept of “implied consent” was practiced by the WHO in a clinical field trial, it had ethicists the world over up-in-arms[24]. But not-to-worry. Implied consent was brought to you by your same school administrator who first tried to get you to sign an all-encompassing consent in the first place. While not a rule, some schools went so far as to admit that they receive kickbacks from the testing facilities. It still boggles the mind that schools were ready to expel tinokos shel bais Rabban for a test that is so fraught with controversy. In a review, 22 credible health professionals[25] wrote a peer-reviewed paper underscoring the fallacy of using PCR testing in asymptomatic patients. Their conclusion was that the current PCR testing results in false positives 97% of the time and the errors of the test render it useless! What’s more is that the one who created the PCR standard for COVID testing has said in 2014 that PCR tests are useless for such a scenario[26]! Is it any wonder that the labs never returned the results to the schools? The results were useless anyways. The only point was to force compliance and harvest DNA, both marked mission accomplished.
Was the testing debacle a success?
Apparently, the Governor’s office thinks so! In the NJ Vaccination Plan, the document points out that there are process parallels between testing and vaccination and discusses the “targeted population-specific testing strategies” that were contrived by the Advisory Committee. Inroads were made by “Harnessing Collaboration” by “engaging interfaith and community leaders to promote testing in their communities”. This promoted “meaningful access” to expand State testing efforts to asymptomatic residents in more communities. Is it possible that the “Vaad L’inyanei Corona” had anything to do with the “meaningful access”? Who were the “Collaborators”? Remember, Lakewood was touted as “The Lakewood Testing Model” by the Governor. It should not surprise anyone at this point that Avi Schnall of Agudath Israel is listed as a partner for these efforts in the document[27]. He has continually been at the forefront, threatening, cajoling and mocking anyone who wouldn’t fall right in line with all these tactics
Do it for Them
There’s no campaign that pulls the heartstring as much as one that professes to be altruistic. There’s a reason why the campaign for masking, the flu shot, and COVID testing was flaunted to be “Do It For Your Community” or “For Your Family”. It was all part of the State Department For Each Other For Us campaign. As a matter of fact, the now-long-forgotten alleged “twindemic” was a thinly veiled attempt to stress-test the COVID-19 Vaccination roll-out. The NJ Vaccine preventable disease program awarded 3.5 million dollars to Federally Qualified Health Centers (CHEMED included) with the condition to host mass flu vaccination events to help develop, build, and test the infrastructure of the upcoming COVID-19 vaccination plan. Similarly, universal masking in not a new concept and has also been piloted once before to “improve community demand for adult vaccination”. Across the nation nurses were threatened “[Flu] Vaccine or Mask”. This vaccine shaming was so effective that it brought compliance from 20%-74% to over 90%[28]. Much of the same rhetoric that is now being flouted has been tested in smaller populations successfully[29]. Although the largest study in the world has shown that masks don’t work for COVID-19[30] governments are still requiring their citizens to mask up. Allegedly this is because the duration of the protective antibodies is allegedly unknown, and there is still a risk of asymptomatic transmission. Despite the facts that these two characteristics have never been true regarding any disease, most of the world complies. Vaccines, however, have the same exact drawbacks. The duration of protection from the vaccine can’t possibly be known in impossibly short clinical trials, and they were never designed to stop transmission. Are we going to hide in our bunkers the rest of our lives? Or are we going to recognize the words of the מסילת ישרים, that there is justified fear and there is unjustified fear. The unjustified fear only leads to the unravelling of our Avodas Hashem.
When All Else Fails
Governor Murphy has stated that he wants an arbitrary 70% vaccine uptake. This number doesn’t come with any scientific reasoning such as herd immunity, rather it is solely in line with the Healthy People 2030[31] national influenza vaccine target. What happens if communities still don’t accept the vaccine? New Jersey, like most states, possess a comprehensive vaccine tracking system known as NJIIS. Through this system, they will generate reports “to help develop strategies and interventions to decrease COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake, and eliminate social, cultural, logistic, and legal barriers to COVID-19 vaccination in focal populations.” Until December 4th, 2020, it was possible to opt-out of the tracking system[32], but a new executive order precludes that[33]. Nonetheless, it appears that anyone that is not yet in the NJIIS will remain that way[34]. According to the executive action, getting a COVID-19 vaccine will necessarily mandate that you be placed into the tracking system with no option to remove yourself. There’s no knowing what type of services and admittance can be tied to your COVID-19 vaccination status and tracking you would be the first step…
…And the second step you ask? The document cites that the backbone for much of the plan falls under NJ’s Emergency Health Powers Act[35]. Included in this act is the “New Jersey Vaccine Education and Prioritization Plan”. The law ominously concludes that “a person who willfully or knowingly violates the New Jersey Vaccine Education and Prioritization Plan or any procedures contained therein shall be liable for a civil penalty of $500 for each violation.”
No Recourse?
Until now the 1986 act prevented recourse for those damaged by vaccines. It gives indemnity protection to any doctor who administered a vaccine, any school that demands it, and any pharmaceutical that produced it. Instead one must go through a “Vaccine Court” that many describe as highly adversarial. However, the COVID-19 is only protected by the PREP act. This does not give indemnification to employers, schools, or doctors who demand this vaccine as a condition of employment or attendance. The threat is implied…
Kamila Harris stated unequivocally that she would not take a vaccine approved under the Trump Administration. Similarly, Governors Cuomo and Murphy stated that their states (NY & NJ) will not distribute the vaccine until they review it and vet the vaccine themselves. With no trial data released, it seems improbable that these Governors “vetted” the vaccine, yet rollout is going ahead full steam. Despite assurances, New York State is the first state in the nation to issue a bill in the legislature mandating this vaccine[36]. Does the 77% of the population who aren’t confident in the vaccine get to second guess the state government the same way Governors and the Vice-President-Elect does? Or must we just get in line and do what we are told?
The trap has been set. Will you take the bait?
[1], (see page 34),
[2] See Rambam (הל' מלכים פ"ו הל"ז) when he states; “when sieging a city we do not surround it from four sides… and we allow them to escape” and commentaries there.
[3] Page 44
[5] One recent poll in NJ showed that only 23% of respondents are “very likely” to receive this vaccine.
[6] Doctors say CDC should warn people that side effects wont’ be a walk in the park. Trump covid czar says that side effects were noticeable in 10-15% of recipients.
[8] (use Wayback machine because censorship is real).
[10],, and
[11]See page 5 of frightening petition by ex-Pfizer executive and former Chair of Health Committee in Germany. Use Wayback Machine because censorship is real.
[16] BMJ 2020;371:m4037
[20] To be sure, these ideas aren’t the brainchild of Governor Murphy and his advisors. Rather it is a concerted effort by pharmaceutical companies and involves the biggest national thinktanks that often lead to the same funders. See these documents for more information:,,
The company was formerly known as Rutgers University Clinical Genomics Laboratory, and also is affiliated with selling the testing tubes. Regarding NY see here:
[24] see response from WHO here using the Wayback Machine. It has been scrubbed from the internet because censorship is real.
[27] Dr. Dovid Friedman from CHEMED is also listed.
[28] use Wayback Machine because censorship is real.
[31] A CDC initiative
[34] You can see your records by requesting them here:
[35] N.J.S.A. 26:13-23