Where to start. First let me say that although I am not an Orthodox Jewish woman, I am deeply connected to my Jewish faith and heritage. I know the history of my people and I am very familiar with Israel ( although this is not the topic here, it is very important). My husband z”l was born and raised in Israel before it became a state, was in the underground and fought in two wars. I have family there. I have Orthodox family here in the United States, and in Israel. When I heard that Israel was going to be the ‘test’ country for these death shots I was horrified. In what world does the leader of the country with half the world’s Jews make a decision to sign a secret contract putting his people in jeopardy of another Holocaust? IMO this betrayal by Benjamin Netanyahu is the worst betrayal in our history, and that’s saying a lot because we have been betrayed many times from within. His primary job was to protect the Israeli people. The very honorable Dr Zev Zelenko tried to warn both the non- Orthodox and the Orthodox communities both here & in Israel, some listened, some did not. Now the Israeli people, who BTW, are wonderful people, have suffered greatly from this betrayal, the extent of which is not yet known or understood. As to this substack, we have had many enemies from within, we should be able to recognize them before they do any more damage. Trust is not a useful word anymore. Anyone who tries to convince you that they are only trying to help you with information to convince you that ANYTHING to do with COVID or ‘vaccines’ is a good thing, should be automatically shunned whether they are from inside the community or not. G-d gave us immune systems that work just fine, the last thing we need are vaccines to destroy this perfect system.

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Hello and many thanks for your article drawing attention to Blima Marcus, a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I note three anagrams of her name.

Baal rim scum

arm cub Islam

bum liar scam

Amusing perhaps but under the circumstances appropriate it seems.

Although as she is 'Marcus' perhaps she is a 'Marcus of the Beast'!



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