Remember, the Nazis were only temporarily defeated and only militarily. Thanks to Operation Paperclip, they're back, full force.

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Operation Paperclip brought 1,500 German scientists and engineers to the USA so the Russians would not get them. These were not SS or political leaders. George Soros was allowed in decades later.

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Sorry, buddy. Not all. There were many high placed Nazi officials, eg Von Braun who became the head of NASA, Hallstein who became the head of the EU, Heusinger who became the head of NATO, and my personal favorite, Kurt Waldheim, Sec Gen of the UN.

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We got to the moon with the help of the Germans.

Operation Paperclip was ALSO the capture and the return to US advanced technologies.

Funny how historical facts get tweeked to say something else, especially by those with little fist hand knowledge.

Yet in the 1930s it was democrats who went to Italy to learn from El Duce aka Mussolini. Democrats later became the fascists they are today.

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Warner Von Bran was never head of NASA, however he was the head of the Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama where all the other German rocket people were located to. After the US Army experienced failure after failure, they asked for help from Von Bran and got it. He built the Saturn V which propelled us to the moon.

He was a member of the Nazi Party because all people in charge had to be members. It is like today to get elected into Congress or the Presidency you have to be a Democrat or a RINO due to election fraud.

Von Bran just wanted to build rockets. I am an engineer myself and understand this. He who builds the most and best toys wins.

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Yes we got to the moon with the help of the V2 rocket designers. As for the Dems, couldn't agree more.

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Any community who puts their religion before government authority seems to have come out ok. It is written.

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100% true for our friends in a tight Christian community. No vaxxing to speak of, and only one death of a very old, frail woman, who, like some many in this pandemic, was about to go anyway. They never stopped holding gatherings--ever.

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I for one have not trusted my government for quite some time. After this COVID sham, never again.

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There is no Covid 19. Never was. It's never been proven to exist. End of story

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Covid 19 originally began as a unknown virus discovered in 2016 during roadway construction in China. The virus killed 8 people out of an infected 12. Using US taxpayer funds they experimented to create a virus to infect humans on wide spread scale. Virus was released in US early to mid 2017 to allow for wide infection. Hysteria allowed the spread mail in voting, thus allowing a Chinese controlled candidate win the US election. Enter Joe Biden, through ballot manipulation.

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I agree the election was stolen but I'm a registered respiratory therapist and there was no pandemic. A plandemic yes but it was nothing more than the normal flu season.

They used the media to spread fear, the PCR test does not detect any virus, they paid the hospitals for every positive test, for every admission, for every, ventilator patients, and for every death stated as COVID. It was the greatest farse and crimes against humanity ever committed.

Behind the scenes there are many lawsuits and people working to make sure the bastards behind it all will be brought to justice. Only thing is finding non compromised judges

The whole plandemic was to put fear into people so they would take the vaccine so they could kill off many.

Reiner Fuellmich an attorney from Germany has been investigating it all for almost 3 years.

I do know for a fact that they have been killing many by using Remdesivir in the ICU. There are many lawsuits going on for that

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Check your lot number here to see the side effects


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I also heard that they put graphene oxide into the 2019-2020 flu shots which caused more admissions but don't know if that is accurate or not

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Listened to Dr. Cole (I think it was him - been a minute!) and he said there was no graphene oxide in the “vaccine”. He wants them stopped for all the other reasons but was honest about this. I believe him. (Shrug)

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This isn't me but another respiratory therapist during the height of the so called pandemic in 2020. Back when they said we had a shortage of ventilators. He's at a large hospital. Listen to what he had to say. The media and the cabal fed everyone lies.


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Yeah I saw that but he only checked a few. Reiner said they strategically placed toxic batches. Something like 42 states in the USA got deadly batches

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Bottom line is, the whole thing is a depopulation agenda.

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Covid 19 was and is a psy-op. Virology is a deceit foisted on humanity to push dangerous vaccines and drugs.


Joe Biden is brainless.


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And what a glorious day it will be should ALL vaccines end up in the dumpster...then dropped on Fauci's lawn.

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Same story for Amish in Pennsylvania. No vaccines no lockdown. No serious issues. Herd immunity saved the day. Along with a healthy diet outdoor lifestyle.

Same story in Haiti, and most African countries. Very little vaccinated among the population. But no serious issues. Low death rates.

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I asked the question... Have you heard about the millions in Africa who died of Covid19. Ohhh, no you havent because they didn't. Perhaps because the "virus" was targeted as a bio weapon to depopulate and wreak havoc on Western nations to install the Global Communist govt. The Chinese people were the guinea pigs before unleashing it. Fraudci and Bill Gates used the Africans the last 40 years to hone their kill machine. The next ten years we will see millions dying of the experimental "vaxes" related illnesses and the infertility rate will be extreme amongst the Caucasian and African American populace.

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The issue of African covid 19 aka CCP (chinese communist party) virus, not being an issue is because the malaria drug they took for years settled in the fat cells. CCP virus did not affect them because of this.

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I don't think that these authors are writing articles to shun the Jewish population. I think they are doing the same thing they've been doing, trying to keep people from looking!

This entire PSYOP called COVID-19 is based on keeping people uninformed when it comes to anything to do with COVID and the government's response to COVID.

The illogical way that government(s) responded to COVID is the precise reason that these types of stories keep coming out. The side effects from the vaccines* are no longer hidden, all one needs to do is look. THAT'S what those running the PSYOP don't want people to do.

I'm open to the idea that COVID was faked as a whole. I say that for a few reasons.

1.) The entire therapeutic route was abandoned before there was time to determine if any treatments were working or not. DARPA had data on Ivermectin's effectiveness against multiple types of viral infections, but that was ignored. The data was there the whole time, but you had to know exactly where to look for it. It's on the NIH website.

2.) From my own and other people's anecdotal evidence, the symptoms for COVID didn't make sense. Nearly everyone who tested positive for COVID complained of widely different different symptoms. While different symptoms are possible, they are not probable. Take the Flu for instance. The common symptoms of the Flu are the only reason anyone knows to get tested -- for the Flu. Same with most illnesses. Only COVID had such a wide array of symptoms, often times completely different for people within a household.

3.) The World Heath Organization redefined "herd immunity" to ONLY include people who were vaccinated, not people who had prior infection and recovered. They then changed the definition back later on, when people caught on. The WHO released guidelines on how to operate the PCR tests that was far outside the guidelines, which would lead to false positives. Then immediately after the vaccine* rollout, they revised those numbers back to where they originally were. So the infection rates would appear lower. There's no scientific reason to demand that tests be operated in a manor that will result in false positives, then changed once you release a vaccine. That would muddy your own data.

4.) The dangerous mRNA vaccines* were the ONLY "acceptable" solution to treat COVID. Vaccines in general are usually years down the road, before release. Why would you push the vaccine route first, and not pursue the therapeutic rout first, or at least at the same time? Similarly, COVID was shown [CDC data] to be on par with the Flu for survivability. Why would they mandate vaccinations for something that's no more dangerous than the Flu, by their own estimation?

5.) When the mRNA vaccines* were showing bad outcomes, whether it be terrible side effects, general efficacy, or failure to stop the spread, they were sill pushed -- even harder. Meaning that mass vaccination* was the true goal, NOT stopping some illness that was ravaging the planet. They wanted to get as many people as possible to take the mRNA vaccines* regardless of possible injury, ineffectiveness, or inability to stop the spread.

6.) There was a massive government directed plan to suppress/censor any information related to the vaccines*. Information that has been proven factual -- because it came from Pfizer's own trial data was considered "disinformation?" Information was blocked on multiple video streaming services, and multiple social media services. Why block the manufacturers trial data? Informed consent...

7.) The G20 countries agreed to a "health/vaccine passport system" to limit the movement of people world-wide. Why would they do that when it's become clear that the vaccines* didn't achieve their goals? Now that they are considering COVID as a seasonal illness, there's no need for a passport system. Passports make no sense for a seasonal illness -- unless it was part of a plan all along.

If one were to run a PSYOP to try and trick the world to go along with losing their freedoms, how much different would it be?

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But why? Why did they push so hard to get everyone vaccinated if they already knew the truth (which they did)? Was it REALLY all for money? Could it be that simple? If that’s all it was about then I want every single person involved to pay…the ultimate price. Evil.

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The simple answer is, "Yes." The people who did all of this had multiple reasons. Money was one reason, the other is depopulation.

The same people pushing for global vaccination efforts, are also the same people who claim that the world is overpopulated with humans. This is often overlooked. You can't have it both ways, and it's doubtful that these people "want" it both ways. If you truly believe that the world is overpopulated, would you really try to save as many people as possible?

Look up, "Flashback: Former Malaysian Prime Minister Warned -'Elites Want to Reduce World Population to 1 Billion'"

Here is a quote from his speech:

** “Basically, it is about having a world government. We should abolish all states, nations, and bodies but instead have only a one-world government. And that world government is to be by certain people, elites. People who are very rich, very intelligent, very powerful in many ways. They are the ones who will govern the world. There was not much talk about democracy or the choice of leaders, instead, there was to be a government by these elites who will impose their rules on everyone in this world. And for those who are unwilling to submit to them, there will be punishment,” Dr. Mahathir explained.

“And the peace that we will get from this is the peace of the graveyard because the intention also is to reduce the number of people in this world. At the time when the New World Order has annunciated, the population of this world was only 3 billion. The intention was to reduce it to 1 billion. Now the population of the world is 7 billion. There would be a need to kill many billions of people or to starve them to death or to prevent them from giving birth in order to reduce the population of this world.” **

Considering what has happened so far. It appears that he's telling the truth.

So, yes. There are people doing this for the money, and those who are sociopaths going along because they "believe in the cause," then there are truly evil people, who wish to play God.

When you look at all of the things happening across the globe, all of the seemingly unconnected [bad] events, happening at just the right time, it has to be planned. The whole world seems to be on edge, in just a little over 2-years.

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Post of the day!

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Vaccine hesitancy was already creeping into America. I came from a generation when children got multiple shots that wiped out many diseases, but now we have a few shots with huge numbers of merged vaccines that appear to cause autism in a large number of children. Interestingly, I was in a discussion just a couple years ago with a set of parents who had not gotten their 2nd and 3rd children the "accepted" vaccines because of effects caused in their 1st child by the vaccines. (Edited to add: I was actually taking the side of getting childhood vaccines as this discussion started. By the end, not so much.)

My grandmother, a county health nurse for decades, was on the front line of preventing these childhood diseases, but now with so many merged into single shots, the negative effects on kids is making parents think hard about whether to vaccinate their kids or not.

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The multiple shots never wiped out many diseases, that is part of big pharma's advertising scam.

In reality there are no individual diseases as named by mainstream medics, rather a collection of symptoms reflecting deficiencies in the body and/or poisonings fro numerous reasons.

Vaccines are the biggest deceit of the last century +.


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Red States should have their State health services perform in-depth examinations of random samples of ALL vaccines, for adults and kids both... for the presence or mRNA, graphene, nano-particles and anything else that should not be in them.

Sadly, they also need to randomly test all IV saline solutions and any substance that could be injected or dripped into a human.

The depopulation agenda is still rolling along... you can tell by the continued rabid promotion of the Covid death-jabz, despite massive evidence of it causing death or serious damage...

Blue states? the hell with them.

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Technically the red / blue reverence to political party affiliation is backwards. Blue always represented Republicans, red always was Democrats. This change occured early to mid 90s. Seems Noone caught the change...

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I can picture the diabolical health department “professionals”, who know better, scrutinizing those pictures of vax rates by block, fuming over the unvaxxed heathens and planning their deserved punishment.

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We actually have it on video! https://youtu.be/KaYoHb9YfSs?t=865

Also we got some footage via FOIA showing how they plan on countering it...




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After watching these, through gritted teeth, my takeaway is that we have a country full of these public health Karens, who have never and will never question vax safety. Any vax. This is what we are up against. They are probably smart people who will not use their god given brain to critically think. I take pleasure knowing they’re alarmed that parents are questioning MMR vaccines and that (gasp) MMR vaccines fell below 90%, lowest level ever.

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Thanks for links to the experts. Love the “we serve a community that can be very challenging”. Off camera they were probably saying “our community is full of stupid and stubborn a holes who think they know better than us”.

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Communists have always hated Jews just like Nazi’s. Why wouldn’t the Communist Corporate Media of today be any different. The so-called college educated journalist student is only taught how persecuted the Savage terrorist palestinians are by the Jews. The Nazi propagandists in Communist Corporate Media and the Communist Democratic Party hate the Jews.

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Columbus is a destination for illegal aliens. They don't vaccinate their children form measles and chickenpox & the Biden regime doesn't vax them at the border, either.

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If one stops them with lead then they stop coming.....

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Injecting 'dis-ease' past your natural defenses, to protect you in case it ever gets past your natural defenses, is a Satanic Medieval delusion from an era of bloodletting, dreamt up by an English farmer with no medical training, who severely crippled and almost killed his family with his psychotic experiments, which were then covered up in the Holy Vaccine Trinity of the first vaccine, the first vaccine injury, and the first vaccine coverup, all in a fantabulous hat trick of fraud, humiliation and horrible lingering deaths.

There is nothing invisible out to get you, schizos. Viral theory itself is a mere hypothesis, and there is plenty of evidence to refute its foundational assumptions, not the least of which is their own lab work when 'producing virus' for their 'experiments'.

Start with Janine Roberts' excellent book and go from there :


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December 5-7, 1941 the third-largest political party in the USA was the National Democratic Socialist Workers Party of America (American Nazi party) and they were holding their annual political caucus in Seattle. The party was only one election away from replacing the GOP as the second-largest party. The leaders dissolved their party on hearing of the Pearl Harbor attack, and the leadership all urged their members to join the military. The leadership all to a man joined the military the next day. Inconvenient history is ugly. The American Nazis all joined the Democrats and Republican parties. John Rockefeller and Henry Ford were both huge financial supporters of the American and German Nazi parties. Operation Paperclip is nothing burger compared to what the home-grown National Socialists and World Socialists have done since 1941.

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Seattle I see where Bill Gates has a house I gather. Mmm....

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Yup, goes to show that people are our greatest problem. People cause our greatest problems. Closed minds, low IQ, stubbornness, my way vs your way. These things kill people. Usually without data.

Called my doc and said if I have covid, will you prescribe the known cure, ivermectin? He said nope, in between the lines he said, "I'd rather you were dead than I lose my license". Doctors=$$ Health agencies everywhere=$$. Now we know. By the way, I've used Horse Health twice, 1. to kill bodywide inflammation and 2. to stop confirmed covid twice in its tracks took (3 days.) My doc had 5 shots and will be dead next year.

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Identifying people on the Pfizer payroll is becoming easier than shooting fish in a barrel.

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