From Vaccine Mandates to Genocide - Part II
The Sordid History of Vaccine Mandates and its Inevitable Result
Jewish wisdom teaches that what is inherent in the seed will be pronounced in the final product. Although many lack the foresight, hindsight is always 20/20. When we study the disquieting end results of vaccine mandates, it sheds serious issues on its disconcerting origin.
In 1905 Henning Jacobson refused to take a smallpox vaccine due to a family history of adverse events. The city of Cambridge MA had required the vaccine with a $5 fine for noncompliance which the defendant refused to pay. The case spiraled up to the Supreme court which ruled in the landmark case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts that States have a right to order the vaccination or require the defendant to pay a monetary fine.
Nearly forty years later, another case was brought before the Supreme Court. In this case, Prince v. Massachusetts, the court ruled that the government has broad authority to regulate the actions and treatment of children. Here, Jacobson was quoted and applied to rule that parental or religious authority is not absolute and can be permissibly restricted if doing so is in favor of ‘general interest’. Conceivably, this ruling has the ability to curtail religious practice in this country as we know it.
And it’s not just theoretical. When Agudath Israel sued Governor Cuomo about camp closures, now-disgraced Cuomo referenced both Jacobson and Prince in his arguments as precedent for limiting religious worship in face of government interest. Due to its precedence showing that States have the right to utilize police powers to enforce vaccination, Prince was used in almost every ruling to mandate vaccination.
But it gets worse. During the 2021 Agudah convention, a panel was hosted entitled “The Murder of Alta Fixsler: Coming to the U.S.?”. One panelist accurately noted that murder of the infirm is already in the United States, but, apparently he didn’t understand the implication of his own statement. Alte Fixler was a baby girl who suffered a brain injury during birth and couldn’t eat or breathe on her own. After a lengthy legal battle, the judge wrote a ruling that was short on legal analysis, but extensive on liberal ethics. The ruling was a rant on why it would be a social crime to leave Alte alive. In an astonishing decision, the Judge invoked Prince v. Massachusetts, including its application to vaccination, as precedence for her perverted reasoning as to why it is the States and child’s best interest to die! It pays to note the obvious, that United States law cannot set any precedent for the United Kingdom. Nonetheless, the Judge found this to be her most compelling argument and mentions it in closing.
Indeed, the slope from mandated vaccination to mandated genocide isn’t just theoretical, as long as it remains in the best interest of the State. Nazi Germany, anyone?
But we are not done.
Twenty-two years after Jacobson, the Supreme Court handed down the worst supreme court decision of all time. In 1927, a case was brought to the Supreme Court involving a woman named Carrie Buck. She was deemed “too feeble-minded” to have the right to procreate, therefore the State of Virginia ordered her sterilized. In an 8-1 decision, the court ruled in Buck v. Bell that states are permitted to issue legislation requiring compulsory sterilization of those that the State deemed ‘unfit’. This law has never been overturned.
More disturbing is that the Justification used to rule in this case was none other than Jacobson!
“The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. Three generations of imbeciles are enough.”
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., who ruled in the Jacobson vaccine case, was in fact the author of the majority opinion of Buck v. Bell. Apparently, the quantum leap from enforcing a $5 fine to requiring forced sterilization went unnoticed by many…
…but not by the German beasts. During the Nuremberg trials, the head of the SS RuSHA, Otto Hoffman, invoked Buck v. Bell as his defense:[1]
It’s astonishing that today, almost a hundred and twenty years later, courts are still relying on this precedence to enforce vaccine mandates. The very same case that the Nazi’s used as precedence in an attempt to excuse themselves.
For those who can face the truth, contraceptive vaccines have been going through R&D (research and development) for the past thirty-five years. Have we ever heard of it?
As a matter of fact the World Health Organization even has a task force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation. How has it been deployed? Who was is tested on? What would an anti-fertility drug look like if it was deployed on children? Would it look like this?
Have you figured out by now why Anthony Fauci has been bestowed with The Humanist of the Year award?
The true holocaust deniers are the ones claiming that “Never Again” isn’t now.
P.S. To understand the gravity of the atrocities committed by this man and our public health “watchdog” agencies, The Real Anthony Fauci is a must read.
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[1] Page 1184
This is unbelievably serious. I totally get this. Terrifying.
Amazing reporting. Thank you.