Oct 2, 2023Liked by Chananya Weissman

As I commented before , with over 30 years of experience I can absolutely testify that one can find a “ Heter “ Halachic dispensation for virtually ANYTHING . In fact in one of my companies I found pig gelatin with a hechchsher ( kosher certification) it’s based in an obscure “tshuvah “ from yes a recognised Halachic authority. However every single other Rav and Halachic authority in his generation disagreed strongly And in fact today we hold with Rav Moshe Feinstein that. Even products that become completely changed in nature , must originate from strictly kosher source and has to be Slaughtered properly . Not live cells from a living organism , ( Aver min Hachai ) but again they will twist even these words around and around if it gets then another check in their pocket . . The Bal Shem Hakadosh says show me any argument in Torah , and I will show the supernal abode in which it is true . That is why we need the direction of the Nasi and the Bais Din of his time that can see from above to bellow and knows exactly what is relevant to his generation . Our generation is a generation ( again in the words of the Bal Shem ) in which 90% of the Rah Banim are corrupt, and if one finds any falsehood or graft ( bribery ) in them at all , “know The Bal Shem tov says, that that ”Rabbi” draws his energy from impure powers and one should run away , distance themselves from him and Heaven forbid not follow ANYTHING he says . Instead with HaShems help , find the one true Rav that is genuinely connected to the one true Tsadick of the generation . But before we even go there , there is a clear Halacha that a Rav that does not speak out against those that seek to cause harm to his fellow Bothers and Sisters , can not be trusted to supervise Kosher and one can not eat from their meat or other products .

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I agree with the overall gist of your article, but one minor point in their defence: I believe Rav Kook wrote extensively on the point of there not being animal korbanos at some point in the post Moshiach future( I don't recall the details). Obviously, he deals with the obvious thrust of Tanach which is that there will be animal sacrifices. And he does compare it pre Noach vegetarianism and how that was some type of ideal state.

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