Look at the Amish. They're the non Jewish shevet levi

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I think the success of the Amish (and by analogy, the most extreme among Orthodox Jews, l'havdil) is probably overrated. They may seem "self-sufficient", but in the bigger picture, they are really dependent on the good will of the vastly more powerful materialistic society around them. If the powers that be in Pennsylvania, where the Amish live, decided that they finally had enough of them and that their value as tourist attractions no longer offset the annoyance they create with their "outmoded" values, they could be eliminated with very little trouble. What would the Amish do? Fire muskets at the armored vehicles of the state and Federal police?

The same is true about the Haredi community here in Israel. We are unarmed and economically weak. The anti-religious have been laughing at us for decades and know that according to the natural order, they could get rid of us in no time. Of course, we believe that we have support that transcends the natural order, but we need the merit for that support to materialize.

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Just as in Egypt 3300 years. ago, we are blissfully unaware that we even are in galus. And this goes double (or more) for Israel, where I have been living for 44 years and raised my 9 children with varying degrees of success.

Being aware of our elevated status and the fact that we are being oppressed by our enemies (even if they have names like Naftali and wear a microscopic kippa) is the first step to acquiring the strength and resolve to fight them.

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Greta article!

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Social Studies aka Socialist Studies.

It used to be called History.

Great Article.

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