Today, some observe what is called “yom hasho’ah”. A day of remembrance. Remembrance for a holocaust that brutally wiped-out families, decimated entire towns and took out six million of us.
“Never Again!” was the slogan that reverberated throughout many among the Jewish nation in the wake of the Holocaust.
Many interpreted this to mean that we must learn to fight and arm ourselves to stave off the possibility of a repeat. Perhaps they are right, but are those observers only worried about an exact rerun, with Brownshirts, Nazis, yellow armbands, ghettos, and concentration camps? Why do they seem to be complacent about the ideology that brought about the holocaust in the first place?
In the aftermath of World War II, psychologists, sociologists, and historians tried figuring out how Germany being the most cultured nation in the world, rapidly descended into a nation of decadent murderers carrying out the cruelest of tasks with no remorse. Researchers Molly Horrower and Douglas Kelly independently both came to the same conclusion that there was no psychological distinction between the personality profiles of Nazi war criminals from those of ordinary Americans.
This merely compounds the question. How did the holocaust happen, and what is meant by “never again”?
Perhaps no other study exposes the dark side of human nature the way that Dr. Stanley Milgram in the “Milgram Obedience Study” reveals. This study comprised of groups of people some designated as “teachers” and some “learners”. The teachers were led to believe that they were studying memory in the learners, but in reality, it was the teachers who were being studied. The learner was strapped into a mock shock generator with switches ranging from 15 volts to 450 volts. The switches were marked as Slight Shock, Moderate Shock, Strong Shock, Very Strong Shock, Intense Shock, Extreme Intensity Shock, Danger: Severe Shock. Every time the “learner” (who was an actor) would give the wrong answer, the overseer of the study would command the teacher to shock the learner. Every time a mistake was made, the intensity of the shock was increased.
When the shocks reached the 75-volt threshold, the learner would groan, at 150 volts, he would demand to be released from the study. When the shocks reached 180 volts, the learner would cry out that he cannot stand the pain anymore, and at 300 volts the learner would no longer respond at all, and the teacher would not know if he was conscious or unconscious anymore.
All these experiments were overseen by an “experimenter”. When the teacher inquired from the experimenter if he or she should continue the experimenter commanded:
“Please continue.”
“The experiment requires that you continue.”
“It is absolutely essential that you continue.”
“You have no other choice, you must go on.”
And go on they did. A full 60 percent of the teachers went on to give the maximum lethal dose simply because they were commanded to. They were ready to kill another human being over not memorizing a word properly simply because they were instructed to do so by an authority. More concerning is that every single teacher continued to at least 300 volts. In a repeat when the lines of authority were blurred or removed, nearly every single teacher released the learner the moment he asked to be released and only one teacher shocked the learner with the maximum voltage.
But people are unable to see themselves capable of taking part of such incomprehensible savagery. In one experiment, Milgram’s researchers gathered 110 participants and showed them a schematic of the shock generator, explained the experiment and asked them to predict at what point they, personally would refuse to deliver any more shocks. Not one participant said that they would deliver a shock above 300 volts and most insisted that they would release the learner at 150 volts.
This chilling study shows that people are liable to commit the most egregious of all crimes can be justified as long as one is “following authority”. Indeed this “defense” was heard countless times in the Nuremburg trials by the Nazi beasts. Following authority removes all liability, removes all guilty conscience and apparently removes all human emotion as well.
The current push for all to get vaccinated is not dominated by traditional science or scientists. Rather it is the product of social scientists. Many publications have been published by various institutions such as Johns Hopkins, The National Academy of Sciences, and the National Academy of Medicine. One particularly notorious manipulator of public opinion is Saad B. Omer, who has published hundreds of studies on “convincing” and conditioning the masses the get vaccinated. As a rule, the Number one tool that is harnessed is “using trusted voices within the community”. At the first level it involves using expert opinions. One manual sponsored by the Gates Foundation spells this outright.
“Another way to approach choice is through behavioral economics. Offer a default option that’s determined by experts, with an optout possibility. This retains people’s sense of freedom, but default architecture will guide them into the experts’ recommendations.”
However, with faith-based groups, entry is even easier. Once they identify willing “collaborator” kapo’s within the faith-based community, the rest is a fait accompai. As we saw before, almost all people will do the most irrational and dangerous actions simply because they were instructed to do so by authority.
Often these leaders are government liaison groups within the faith-based communities who have close ties to religious leaders and at the same time crave government recognition. When these groups are granted a seat on the Governor’s table, they grab the opportunity, not realizing that they are just being used as lackeys. These leaders go in turn and petition rabbis and other religious leaders to join their crusade.
In one city in Israel a cyberwarfare anti-terrorist unit from the Israeli Army was deployed to infiltrate the Ultra-Orthodox enclave and “took control of the people” regarding Covid-19. In one telling moment they declared that “(h)arnessing the power of the public is only possible by first harnessing the power of the leaders.” It’s not for naught that of the ten billion dollars currently being allocated by the Biden Administration to promote vaccine uptake, one of the first actions being taken is a “Nationwide Network of Trusted Voices to Encourage Vaccination” launched by the Department of Health and Human Services
The question remains is a simple one. With what metric are you saying “never again”? Is it possible that the Nazi mentality is latent with you? Are you going to be part of the mindless masses prodded to do the will of the State? Are you going to force everyone entering your establishment or synagogue to have a Vaccine Passport because the experts or leaders told you so?
Or will you just say No.
Disclaimer: The author along with most religious Jews do not observe Yom HaSho’ah for a variety of reasons. It is mostly a secular pseudo-Jewish observance and has not been sanctioned by most rabbis for a variety of reasons. This article only serves to underscore the paradoxical rallying of “never again” while inviting history to repeat itself yet again.
A note about this Substack.
Please note: This article has been written a year ago. Although there has been a collective awakening since then, the same powers that be are furtively seeking to undermine our freedoms again. They have been signing treaties, creating tracking software, and just waiting for the right moment to pounce. We can be sure that many of the community actors will be recruited again. Hence, this piece is more timely than ever.
The ideas in this article are very true and the dangers are real, but I am very puzzled about how everyone, especially the psychology profession, treats the Milgram experiment as proof of anything. This experiment seems to me to be a perfect example of how unreal psychological research really is. After all, the subjects did know that they were in an experiment, and although they were deceived about the details, they certainly knew that they were in the office of Professor Milgram, who presumably wasn't going anywhere. They also knew that assault and murder were crimes in the U.S. (and in every civilized country) and that being a scientific researcher provided no exemption from such laws. Isn't it almost obvious that the subjects knew, at least subconsciously, that there was something fake about the whole thing? I would be very interested to know what the reactions of the subjects were when they found out the truth. How many of them said, "That's just what I suspected!"? (And how many were ready to kill Milgram or at least sue him?)
If someone wanted to carry out this experiment for real, they would need to kidnap the subjects and drive them to an undisclosed basement location with no windows, tie them up and then start giving them orders to kill people that they saw right in front of them. Of course, this would involve many felonies, but that is the whole point. Setting up an artificial situation (which the subjects know, at least in the back of their minds, to be artificial) proves nothing at all about human nature.
I'm afraid that almost all psychological experimentation can be put on a continuum from the totally irrelevant (where the subjects are aware of everything that is going on) to the totally unethical (where they are being manipulated in a criminal fashion.) How anyone can take such stuff seriously is beyond my comprehension.