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Haredi Health Commission Seeks to Infiltrate Orthodox Community Part II


In Part II, you can view the specific plans that non-Orthodox groups will use to try and win over the Orthodox community and get them injected with deadly biologics. Notice that in all their attempts to build trust, being trustworthy isn’t one of their goals. Manipulative tactics and outright lies seems not have gone into disuse with the dissolution of the Nazi’s Final Solution.

This 13 minute video will be sure to glue you to your seat! Make sure you understand and internalize how they will seek to manipulate you at the doctors office and seek to usurp your authority at your child’s school.

For Part I see here:

Dangerous Docs
Haredi Health Commission's Secret Plot Part I
Watch now (3 min) | In Part I we begin with a hobnob of overeager vaccine zealots willing to sacrifice their brethren at any cost. As long as they curry the favor of the powers to be. See Part One above where they discuss the Jewish Problem. Look out for Part II tomorrow…
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To View on YouTube see below:

List of Members of the Secret Haredi Health Commission

(Note: The fact that a name appears on this list does not imply that any particular member is part of the commission in the capacity of the vaccine promotion initiative. Rather, upon information and belief, these members are an all encompassing team regarding all matters where public health intersects with the Jewish Community. That being said, it is still concerning that this stealth group, made known to us through leaked documents, is tasked with interfacing with the Jewish community, yet, no-one is aware that the activities and proclamations that they issue may be no more than the bidding and mouthpieces of the Health Department.)

Abigal Ettinger

Adrienne Gold

Ahuvah Fried

Aidy Sternhill

Ajani Benjamin 

Alana Tornello

Alisa Minkin

Alyssa Alexander

Alyssa Masor

Angela Soto

Avrohom Weinstock

Bernie Gips

Beth Nivin

Binyomin Babad

Blima Marcus


Bruchy Endzweig

Caroline Paster

Chana Gelbfish

Chaya Blumenberg

Chaya Shuchat

Chaya Tauber

Chaya Winkler

Cheryl Kochav

Cindy Reid

David Gottesman

Devora Kozlik

Devora Thau

Devorah Silverman

Dina Lipkind

Elad Nehorai

Eli Rosen

Eliana Fine

Ellie Carmody

Eric Pollak

Esther Bergman

Esther Brodt

Estie Rose

Estie Slavin

Faye Wilbur

Fraydie Lieberow

Gary Schlesinger

Gene Steinberg

Gerald Schulman

Gitty Kahn

Hannah Arnett

Ilana Pister

Irit Lang

Israel Zyskind

Jacob Gerlitz

Jacqueline Ehrlich 

Jane Zucker

Janie Friedman

Jeffrey Teitelbaum

Jennie Berger

Jessica Tsipe Angelson

Jonah S. Boyarin

Julia Schillinger

Karen Alroy

Katelynn Devinney

L Tantay

Laya Rothman

Leah Krasz

Leah Lightman

Leora Estersohn

Libby Chein

Malky Rosin

Malky Shaulson

Marcelle Setton

Maria Soto

Michael McRae

Miriam Kramer

Miriam Malnik-Ezagui

Miriam Segura Harrison

Mordechai Gobioff

Mordy Neuman

Mushka Friedman

Naomi Auerbach

Naomi Salamon

Natasha Mills

Nesha Abramson

Rabbi Ausch

Rabbi Twersky

Raizel Keilson

Ringel Pinchas

Rivka Stein

Robert Adler

Robert Krausz

Roxanne Y Hunte

Ruchama Clapman

Sarah Goldberg

Sharon Rais

Shavy Jaffe

Shimon Steinmetz

Simeon Godick

Suri Davidowits

Susan Blank

Tejumade Ajaiyeoba

Terese Amalbert

Tina Jing

Tova Goldstein

Tova Ovits

Wanqi Jing

Wayne Goldberg

Yehuda Seif

Ym Dick

Yosef Posy

Yuttie Frankel

Zack Berger

Zvi Gluck

Special shoutout to entire team for assembling these videos and putting the data points together!

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